Robotic Home Lawn Mowers - Do They Really Work?

You have no doubt heard about the robotic lawn mowers, and the idea sounds pretty cool doesn't it? I mean you don't have to mow the lawn anymore just have the robot do it. Now, I imagine some people like to mow their yard, and if they have a big yard they might like riding around on lawn mower tractor (with a drink holder for their beer?).

Small Riding Lawn Mowers

Still, if you had a robotic lawnmower you wouldn't have to do much of anything except make sure it was charged up. Yes, charged up, as most of them are electric. But how well do they work you ask?

Small Riding Lawn Mowers

Well, the robotic lawn mowers that we've seen are not foolproof, and they don't always do a perfect mow job, but if you have a simple lawn and not much of it, they actually do work pretty well. You still have to clean them once in a while and you have to set them down in precisely the right spot before they start.

In the future, the robotic lawnmower will charge itself up and at a prescribed time it will hit the garage door opener, drive onto the lawn, mow the lawn, and re-dock itself in its charging bay, and then close the garage door when it's done; pretty cool.

So now you're probably wondering, "where can I get one?" Well, if you want the one that does everything I just described above they don't actually exist yet, or the kids at MIT have made it, but you can't buy one yet.

Give it a few more years and you can have your robotic lawnmower and yes, it will really work and really mow your lawn, and you'll never have to think about it again. But, if you don't get out there and do it yourself, you probably have to jog around the block to keep that weight off a different way. Please consider all this.

Robotic Home Lawn Mowers - Do They Really Work?
Small Riding Lawn Mowers

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